How I Got Rid Of Acne And My Current Skincare Routine

Hey darlings,
Welcome back to my blog. Today’s post is quite sensitive and personal to me. However, I’ve decided to share to help anyone that may be going through the ”Acne Phase“. Okay, a little of over a year ago, I started noticing some skin irritations on my face and thought they were the usual ones that come and go. Growing up, I never had a smooth face but it got worse last year and was quite alarming. I’m not sure of what caused it exactly because I never used to touch my face nor pick pimples or anything like that.  I was terrified! At a point, I couldn’t go anywhere, missed some events because I didn’t want to wear makeup and my face looked horrible with the acne all over it. In short, I felt very unkempt and my self esteem dropped…no kidding! 🙁 .

So, I decided to talk to a friend who does professional facial treatments about it and she suggested that I come for a session. I had a facial session at her spa and my face became worse!!! Well, she told me that would happen anyway as that is the aftermath of opening up the pores and a way of allowing the underlying ones come out and get dried up. Nah, I wasn’t having that as I felt like money had been wasted 😀 .  Two weeks later, my face started getting terribly oily and spots were all over (like…who did I offend?). As usual, I was getting comments like ‘you’re a makeup artist, your face shouldn’t be this way’. But wait, is it my fault that I have an oily skin?*rollseyes*. Anyhoo, this was where my research mode kicked in. I  read all about acne online, causes, treatments…EVERYTHING!

I remember that she mentioned Neutrogena fight and fade toner is fantastic for oily and acne prone skin. So, I got and started using it whilst I stopped using my bath soap to wash my face. Started drinking lots of water and stayed away from the sun as much as I could. I stayed true to this routine and did it religiously. About 2 months after, I started noticing changes…hallelujah!. Now, people ask me how I did it and yes, it’s that simple. I know how tiring and frustrating it can be when you don’t get results in 2-4weeks but trust me when I say with skincare, you’ve got to be very patient. My skin is no where near perfect but now, I can confidently go out without makeup on my face.
Alright guys, you can watch how I use the products in my everyday skincare routine.

NB – I’m not licensed to recommend skincare products for acne but these are products that I use and they work for me. You may try them out and see if they’ll give you the same result I got. I would also advise that you see a skincare specialist or a dermatologist for professional advice.

With that out of the way, if you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a comment below and I’ll make sure to reply as soon as I get it. Till next post!

Hugs and Kisses,



I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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  • I will have to try this your routine,I pray it works out well for me,my acne never leave my face,it like I will be stock with it for ever??

    • Hi Damilola…Aww, I felt the same way too but you’ll never know till you try something different. Do let me know how it goes! X

  • I just discovered this platform and I find it very interesting and quite helpful, perhaps you can recommend something for my face. I have had this break outs for some years now, though it comes and goes but it now it is getting worse, kindly advise on what I can use. My face is neither oily nor dry.

  • Hi goodafternoon, i love what you posted. please i just started using lightening creams and my knuckles are quite dark, i have an oily face and am tired of using clear nature soap and cream because my knuckles are dry and they are dark.please advice me on what to do.

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