Using the Mascara – Let The Flutter On!

Hey Glam Beings,

Hope the week has been fair to you even with the traffic congestion.That’s what makes it the City of Lagos, innit? Lol….
I’m going to be writing about how we should take care of our mascaras for personal and professional use. My mascara is one important makeup product cos lashes get in my eyes and irritate them, and that’s so not cool, eh! So, they are the savior of my pretty eyes and lashes…hehehe. Okay,I used those words in repetition, please bear with me…*smiles*
To start with, always invest in a really good mascara. Maybelline has some fantastic ones from the Long-wearing, Water-proof, Volumizing and a whole glam collection. I’m loving the Colossal Volumizing Mascara at the moment…:D.
Using the mascara


After each use, make sure to store mascara in a cool place. To re-use personally, wipe out the wand with a clean cloth to remove the residue. For professional application, it is safer to use disposable wands for each client.

This way, you’re sure of a hazard-free situation and will make your clients’ have more confidence in your Beauty Prowess.

Now let’s Flutter On…*wink*wink*


Hugs and Kisses,


I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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