Christmas Sale : Hegai & Esther Christmas Clearance Sale!!!

Hey Glam Royals,

I’ve got great news and i cant keep it to myself cos it will be really mean to do so…hahaha. I love you guys to much to hide anything from you 😀 .  So,have you heard about the Hegai & Esther Christmas Clearance Sale? Do I hear a NO!!! You must be lucky to be reading this post right now as the clearance sale starts today the 13th of November all the way to the 22nd of December,2013…yay!!! Tools ranging from makeup cases, brushes, apparel, disposables, gel eyeliner, etc will be sold at rock bottom prices. Hegai & Esther and I are saying don’t miss out on this opportunity to have makeup tools which ordinarily would have cost a fortune and time to possess. This definitely is a Christmas to look forward to! Please refer to the flier for more information :). 

Hegai & Esther Christmas Clearance Sale!!!

Have fun shopping!

Hugs and Kisses,



I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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