Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that causes dry, rough patches and tiny bumps on the skin. It is sometimes called chicken skin and totally harmless. The bumps which are dead skin cells plugging hair follicles, usually don’t hurt or itch and often appear on the cheeks, upper arms, thighs or buttocks. Here are a few things to know about KP.

Keratosis pilaris can occur at any age, but it’s more common in young children and usually disappears by the age of 30. It worsens in colder months when the skin tends to dry out and also during pregnancy.

Symptoms include:

  • Dry skin.
  • Occasional itchiness around the bumps.
  • Visible bumps on the skin that resemble goosebumps.
  • Painless tiny bumps on the cheeks, upper arms, thighs or buttocks.
  • Worsening during seasonal changes that cause low humidity and dry skin.

How It Looks

How it looks on different skin tones


Keratosis pilaris is caused by a buildup of keratin, a protein that acts as a protective layer for the skin. When the keratin of your body hair gets clogged in the pores and blocks the opening of growing hair follicles, it causes patches of small bumps that form over where hair should be.


Although, this condition is often considered a common variant of skin, it can neither be cured nor prevented. However, treatment with moisturizers like Amlactin Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion and prescription creams can help improve how the skin looks. If you’re concerned about you or your child’s skin, please consult your health care provider or a dermatologist for better care options.

I’ll be sharing some of my favorite products for Keratosis Pilaris in another post. I hope to see you then.


Hugs and Kisses,



I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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  • Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that causes dry, rough patches and tiny bumps on the skin. It is sometimes called chicken skin and totally harmless,but I don’t like it,it disfigured one skin and look

    • I’m so sorry to hear that and I completely understand your point. KP can make one’s skin look unattractive 🙁

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