Product Review : Bm|Pro Make Off

A few months back,I got a goody bag from Bm|Pro that had some really amazing products in it and I shared the photo on Instagram (see why you should follow me). I also said that reviews would follow,so here we are! Today’s product review post is about the Bm|Pro Make Off. From the name,you probably know what it is used for but if you haven’t figured it out just yet,let’s get started.

Bm|Pro Make Off

Packaging: It comes in a transparent spray bottle. This is real cool because you get to see the actual color of the content and also know when you’re about to run out of the product. It also comes with a pump for easy application and a lock to avoid unnecessary pumping.


Application: Take out the lock, spray on a cotton ball or pad and apply to the area where you need to take off the makeup.

Take Off The Pump Lock…


Formula : It is an orange liquid containing Jojoba oil ,Rose extract amongst other ingredients that takes off makeup easily.




  • The Bm|Pro Make Off removes makeup effectively.
  • A little goes a long way.
  • It smells good.
  • It helps to reduce the hassle of taking off really bright eye colors in one swipe.
  • It saves time compared to using baby wipes.


  • You may want to concentrate it’s use on the eye makeup area because of the oily nature. Using it all over the face will make it look like you had a bath in oil…hahaha. Okay it’s not that bad!

Overall, I really like this makeup remover. It smells good and is also easy to carry around. I would definitely repurchase.You can get it at any of the Bm|Pro stores for 2,500naira. Have you used the Bm|Pro Make Off before? Please let me know your thoughts.


Hugs and Kisses,





I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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