I saw quite a number of reviews on some very good brushes that are rated top professional brushes, so I decided it was time to get some for my business..whoop whoop!! Yes yes,they were pretty pricey when I did the cost analysis but you know, you have to invest in good makeup tools without any sort of compromise if you want the best results…:)
With the help of a very good friend of mine, we placed the order. Then,we got a mail back saying the order would be delivered on the 15th of February. So, I thought that wasn’t too long,so the 2-week countdown started. A week went by and a mail came through saying the delivery date would have to be extended by 3 working days which would be 20th of February due to some logistics reasons. Oh no! I wasn’t very happy to hear this but I couldn’t possibly do anything about it,so I just adjusted my countdown time and patiently waited…:(
At about 1pm on Valentine’s, my friend sent me a message saying the orders had been delivered. I was very thrilled and surprised as they came earlier than any of the dates they sent to us…Yay!!! So here are some pictures…dont drool too much…hahaha..#jokes.

I really cant wait to start using my brushes….*biggrin* But hold up! I need to get them washed first…time to go!
Do check back for my reviews of these brushes. Have a fantastic weekend!
Hugs and Kisses,
hey.i know u said dont drool but i just cudnt help it.luv dem.nice blog u’ve got.kip d posts coming.
Hahaha…Thanks Hilda.xx