Skin Care : My Latest Facial Skin Care Regimen- The Duo!

I started a new facial skin care regimen late last month and just in case you didn’t know before now, my facial skin has not been quite smooth and flawless as I had some little irritations like rashes. These rashes usually appear due to stress, the level of my oil intake,during the ‘P’ and sometimes, they just come out for none of those reasons….*rollseyes*.

Okay, I’m a fan of  tea tree oil products as they help with the irritations and are skin-friendly especially for sensitive skins like mine. So I went to Ikeja City Mall to replace my regular tea tree concentrate but all the stores there had run out of stock. However, I saw this particular Tea Tree product by Superdrug at Poise. It doubles as a cleanser and toner with tea tree,peppermint oil and aloe vera extracts and I just fell in love straight away,not exactly sure if it would give the same results. Then I got my fave Acne Treatment Gel by Mary Kay. This gel works really well as long as you stick to the direction/prescription for use.I started with one application per day, then I went ahead to apply twice (morning and night) after the 2nd week.

Skin Care : My Latest Facial Skin Care Regimen- The Duo!

After about a month’s religious washing of my face with a mild soap (i’m quite sensitive to medicated and scented soaps),cleansing of my face with the tea tree extract(which tingles ’cause of the peppermint but makes my face feel fresh and clean) and application of the gel (this dries up the face),morning and night (the gel was used only at night for 2 weeks before increasing to 2ce a day), my facial skin has definitely improved. All I have left are spots which I’m also working on using an homemade recipe that I’ll share as soon as the spots start to clear out…*grins*.

I hope you found this article,informative. What’s your favorite skin care product(s) for the face? I would love to know.
Have a great day Glam Royals!

Hugs and Kisses,



I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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