Face First : How To Take Care Of Your Face

Looking great in public can be hard. So, we tend to use makeup as a guise…hahaha. It’s totally understandable! However, we need to take care of our face first before anything else. Makeup is fantastic but it looks divine on faces that are well taken care of. Whether you’re trying to look great for a job interview , your BIG day or just to make an impression, I think you need to take some minutes to go through the steps below. You can thank me later  😉 .


  • The first thing you should do when caring for your face is to get into a routine of cleansing it. This should be done at least twice a day. Develop a routine that you can do everyday. It takes me less than 5mins to cleanse my face in the morning and at night. You need to figure out which products suit your skin best. For me, I found out that tea tree oil works great for my skin and I’ve stuck to it since then.



  • Moisturize. If you have dry skin, you especially need to make sure that your face is getting the moisture it needs. Use a gentle moisturizer to keep your skin feeling soft and glowing. If you have an oily face, you also need to to do this step to restore any lost moisture while cleansing.



  • Make sure to drink lots of water. Your body needs plenty of hydration during the day to keep removing wastes and oils from your face. You should probably drink eight glasses of water a day. I know it’s not as easy as it sounds but you can make it work. Go for it!


  • Stop touching your face. Many people have bad habits of messing with acne or leaning their face on their hands. Your hands have oils on them that will clog pores, increasing blemishes. No matter how tempting it might be, Do NOT pop pimples or interfere with anything facial- though it may seem like it will make it better, it actually makes it much worse and instead of dealing with a two day pimple you now have a two week long project. A tip here is changing your pillow case often- the oils linger on the fabric, getting on your face during the night. I also dry my face with a dedicated towel. You may want to try it too.

dont touch your face

  • Protect your face from the sun by using sunblock every day. Ultraviolet rays will damage your skin over time and it’s essential that you protect your face from harmful radiation. Use a good sunscreen or makeup with sunscreen in it, even a little, before going out, and you will have fresh, healthy skin. Another way to protect yourself is to wear clothing that will cover you, like a hat.

Protect your face from the sun by using sunblock

  • Take care of your lips. Use a lip hydrator often and make sure to moisturize your lips. A simple way to do this is to rub a sugar-and-water solution on them and then moisturize, as the sugar removes dead cells and rejuvenates the lips. Keep a stick of lip moisturizer on you at all times and use throughout the day. Be careful not to use too much Chapstick though. Your lips can literally get addicted to the chemicals that prevent/heal chapped lips; they will stop making that chemical themselves, and it’s a painful addiction to break!


take care of lips

  • Take care of facial hair. This ensures a fine facial structure and clean look. Keep your eyebrow lines neat, upper lip hair and chin hair groomed. To trim eyebrows, meet with a professional who can wax or pluck your eyebrows. They really do the best job, and will make sure that you don’t take too much off, as this can lead to problems in the future. If you want to do it yourself, take a wash cloth soaked in hot water and press it onto the area where you are about to remove the hair. Then remove the few stray hairs with tweezers. Do this every night before bed for best results.

take care of facial hair


I bet that when you begin to take all these steps more seriously, you’ll definitely see great results. You’ll be more confident and  your makeup will look better.  How do you take care of your face? I would love to know and learn from you.


Hugs and Kisses,



 Credits : www.google.com


I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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  • Good day,Your blog posts are awesome. i have a terribly oily skin, what facial skin care routine would work well for me. And what primer would you recommend, i have tried a lot with no sucess. A response would be appreciated

    • Hi Adaugo. Thanks a lot. Oh…about skincare routine, I only recommend what I use for my face. However, I would advise that you see a skincare specialist, that way, you’ll be sure about the information given to you and the prescriptions that may follow. No 7 makeup base is fantastic for oily face. I have a review on it here and you can make a purchase here. I hope I was able to answer your questions! Xx.

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