Zara Knotted Mini City Bag

I know I don’t write much about fashion but who knows, maybe a change is coming šŸ˜€ . Today’s post is all about the Zara Knotted Mini City Bag. There’s a long story about this bag and I thought it would be better to put it up here instead of Instagram…lol.

zara knotted mini city bag
Zara Knotted Mini City Bag

It’s no news that I window shop online a lot and is one of the websites where I spend some time looking at their products especially bags. I love Zara bags because they are very durable, not overly priced and there’s always 1 or more that fit my style preference. However, when I try to make payment with my Nigerian bank card, it gets rejected šŸ™ . I end up ordering through a personal shopper or just let the bag go…bummer!

So, on this fateful day, I went on their website and saw some nice bags but the Knotted Mini City Bag was the one that I was more interested in. Then, I added it to cart as usual, checked out, entered my card details and guess what?! It worked!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes…insert dance emoji.

Fast forward to a few weeks later, I got my bag but there was something wrong…it was tiny! Loool. In my mind, I thought it would be a regular bag because I didn’t pay much attention to the “Mini” in the description. The excitement of being able to make payment took over everything that I forgot to double check. Anyhow, I contemplated sending it back but the stress would have been too much, so I decided to keep it instead. Then, covid happened…rollseyes. As soon as I’m able to go “out out”, I shall be rocking and posting it on the gram…hehe.

If you like Zara bags and haven’t been able to buy directly from their website because of card issues, here’s some good news for you. Okay, this was supposed to be some sort of review but I’ve turned it into a gist…lol. So, I’ll just leave you with these pictures.

zara knotted mini city bag
With the long strap
What the inside looks like

I hope you enjoyed reading and didn’t get bored with my ordeal…haha.

Hugs and Kisses,



Iā€™m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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