Beauty Brands I’m Loyal To – Skincare Edition I

As a beauty blogger/consultant, I use and review quite a lot of beauty products from various brands before recommending them to family, friends, clients and of course, you, my Glam Fam. So, this series is all about beauty brands I’m loyal to and we’ll be kicking it off with skincare brands. Let’s call this skincare edition – part 1.

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing five (5) drugstore skincare brands I’m loyal to and some of their products that are tried and trusted. In no particular order, they are:





Urban Skin Rx

I hope you enjoyed reading. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need help figuring out which products would suit your skincare needs. See you in my next post.


Hugs and Kisses,



I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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