2013 Bridal Makeup Trends

It is every girl’s dream to look beautiful on her big day. Although, brides differ when it comes to defining their personal makeup preferences. The perfect bridal makeup look is...

Reddy For Christmas!!!

Red and green are so “in” this season as Christmas and the New year are fast approaching. So I saw this really cute red and green bow and got the...

Eyeliners : Lift Up Those Eyes!

Hey Lovelies, Its a wet day today. I hope y’all got to work dry. And for those at home,its gonna be a swell time with the blanket,a cup of coffee...

Eye-Shadow: No to Harshlines..

Harshlines are always ‘no-nos’ when it comes to proper eye-shadow application. To start off,smooth on an eye-shadow primer beforehand,so that it will have something to grip on.Then apply the shadow...