Makeup Hygiene : How To Clean Your Brushes

Hey Lovelies,
So, I’ve had a lot going on that I actually forgot to keep you updated about the brushes I got in February (please forgive me *pouts*).  Oh yes, I washed them after that post  and like I always do, took pictures for illustration purposes. I cannot over-emphasize the need to clean your brushes. There are a lot of infections in the universe and we should do our bit to fight them by cleaning our brushes regularly. It’s a serious deal!!! :|.

So there are basically three methods of how to clean your brushes;

  • The first is a basic cleaning where the brushes are cleaned with wet wipes. This method is used when you have little time and loads of clients to attend to.
  • The second method is spot cleaning which involves adding a small amount of brush cleaner to a washcloth or cotton pad and gently wiping the brushes back and forth till they are clean.
  • The deep cleaning is the third and most detailed method which I have illustrated in the pictures below.

Deep cleaning of brushes
  • Pour out a mixture of liquid dishwasher and olive oil on a flat plate
  • Use the brush to take out a little of the mixture
  • Using the inside of your palm,rub the brush enough to form a lather and take out the dirt
  • Rinse out the lather and dirt by placing the brush at an angle as shown in the picture. please keep this in mind so as to avoid water getting into the flannel which in turn will destroy the glue used to hold the handle and the main brush. we sure do not want that…
  • Squeeze out excess water from the brush
  • Place the brush at an angle or face down for water to come off, you can lay it on a tray, hang in on a line or in an open cup as seen in the last illustration and allow it to dry out completely and reshape.


The steps seem long and boring, eh? Trust me, it’s actually fun to get out those dirts. How do you clean your brushes? Do share in the comment box below


Hugs and Kisses,




I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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