How To Tie A Turban In Less Than 2 Minutes.

Hey Glam Royals,

It’s a beautiful cold wet Friday in the city of Lagos. I hope it has not disrupted any plans,you made for today. How has your week been? My week went by quickly and it was quite interesting. I’m pretty sure you’re glad to say TGIF, eh? Oh yeah,me too! I’m really looking forward to the weekend,myself.

Earlier in the week, I posted a picture on Instagram showing how to rock a turban, which is ‘in’ now and got requests to do a pictorial on how to tie it. Wearing a turban is one of the latest fashion trends. Asides from how elegant it looks, it also helps during those bad hair days while adding a stylish touch. The turban head tie comes in different styles and colors. However, I’ll show you how i did this style in less than 2 minutes. All you need is a long scarf (a colorful one makes for a bolder statement).

Hair Tag : How To Tie A Turban In Less Than 2 Minutes.
Hair Tag : How To Tie A Turban In Less Than 2 Minutes.
  1. Tie the scarf from the back of your head and cross the straps firmly over at the top of your head.
  2. Make a tight twist…about 4 times.
  3. Then take one of the straps and go round the twist till it gets to the end.
  4. Tuck the bit into the bun.
  5. Go over the bun with the second strap to make a bigger bun.
  6. Tuck in the ends like the first one.
  7. Tidy up any straying hair and pull the scarf out a little more as it may have shifted to the back while tying.

And there you have it…*winks*. I hope this was helpful. Be inspired and try it out!

P.S – You will find an updated post here with a tutorial!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Hugs and Kisses,


I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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