Six Easy Steps To Perfectly Drawn Eyebrows – The Pictorial

This goes out to my lovely readers that requested for an eyebrow pictorial. I came up with six easy steps to perfectly drawn eyebrows. I hope you find the post helpful.

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The Steps 

1. Brush out your well-shaped eyebrows with an eyebrow brush/ spoolie,
2. Draw two slanted parallel lines. First line,just below the lower brow and the second, a little above the upper brow. Then fill in the brows with the eyebrow pencil,
3. Join both lines, form an arch and begin to draw down a line which should not be too long (Please refer to the pictorial as a guide),
4. Blend out the eye pencil color by using the eyebrow brush/spoolie to brush the brow,
5. Using a well angled eyeliner brush, highlight the brows with an highlighting powder/eyeshadow,
6. Voila! there goes your perfectly drawn eyebrows.

Here’s a tutorial on how I draw my eyebrows

Have a fab weekend, lovelies!


Hugs and Kisses,


I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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