Winner Of My Birthday Giveaway 2017!

Hi darlings,

Welcome to the month of May! I hope April was good to you as it was to me. Talking about April, I would like to thank everyone who entered My Birthday Giveaway 2017 and also sent warm wishes on my birthday. You made it a fab day for me and I’m truly grateful. So, let’s get to the reason for this post, shall we? 😀 . I got quite a number of entries from Instagram, Twitter and here on the Blog. However, I made sure to check them all before putting only the qualified entries in the random selection.

Winner Of My Birthday Giveaway 2017!

Wondering why I didn’t announce the name? Well, I’ve had numerous cases of people that didn’t win my giveaway, send in messages to question why a particular person was picked and not them. Hence, my hesitation to post winners’ names, sometimes. If you followed all the rules and subscribed to my blog, I have your emails and yes, you’ve got mail!!

Congratulations to the winner of My Birthday Giveaway 2017. I hope you enjoy these fab skincare products as much as I do. Please check your emails and junk folder, guys! If you did not win this time, not to worry as there will be so much more to come! Have A Fantastic May, Loves!


Hugs and Kisses,



I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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  • Hello Miss Glam,
    I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday. Wishing you many more fabulous years ahead.

    So I need clarity here please. Is the winner anyone who gets an email from you?

    Love from

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