Better Late….

So to officially welcome y’all to 2012,I decided to quickly get my cursor, keypads and word document to good use…hehehe. Better late than never, eh? Though the new year started off on a shaky note, I’m glad we’re all back at our jobs, businesses, hobbies and schools,doing what we know how to do best.

I look forward to sharing my ideas about things that go on around us…especially beauty, fashion and lifestyle in general….Its the 28th of January already and I’m super duper excited cos February is around the corner… its going to be an exciting one….do I hear a yay or yeah?!?

I promise to be diligent in my writing and have no excuses for not keeping in touch :D…Oh! There goes my 2012 resolution…Did u make any new year’s resolution(s)? I would love you to share with us :o)

Thanks for being there….

Hugs and Kisses


I’m a beauty blogger, love to write, share experiences and keep you up to date, as I embark on my fab journeys into the world of beauty, fashion and all things stylish!

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